Monday, May 22, 2006

my heart goin boom boom boom

Saturday Camille and Marcos got married. It was great. I couldn't be anymore happy for them. All the bests were back together for 4 whole days and that was pretty great too. We started on Thursday and stopped yesterday. A tiring, but wonderful 4 days spent.

The ceremony itself was so fun. Or at least I thought so. Everyone was comfortable, and truly happy and it was so personal and you just felt really involved in what was going on. Two great families have come together. Something that was discussed frequently Friday and Saturday was God bringing the two together, God's preparation of each individual for just made me think.

Weddings can do funny things to people. You know the cliche of weddings being great places for guys to get a date, that sort of thing. Going to weddings, especially those of close friends always makes me want that. That not being some random guy hitting on me, but that being the what weddings stand for. Not necessarily the wedding part, because I don't at all think I'm looking for marriage right now, but the unconditional love and the grace that is involved. Thankfully, we already get both of those regardless of our relationship status, but it isn't me thinking "I want someone to love me..." I think it is more wanting the giving and recieving, having the opportunity to give as well as recieve. Which may sound weird. I don't know. And it isn't only that, it is being involved in something so much bigger than yourself. Something that isn't shallow, something that is solid, meaningful and something that you have to work at. It isn't even that I'm searching for a relationship right now, or that finding a relationship is a top priority for me, it probably is not on my top five (yeah, I'm totally serious). If something comes along, I'm not going to fight with it, but I'm not actively seeking it. For me, it is just seeing the beauty of something like that and realizing that it is totally possible and can be completely within reach. I doubt I'm explaining myself very well so I will stop for right now. I'll clear it all up later.

I'm waiting for a box in the mail and trying to figure out what I will do with the rest of my day.

Watching: Fever Pitch


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