Monday, May 08, 2006

come down flying low for me

i'm pretty boring today, nothing new to report.
although i realized that i do get excited about the stupidest stuff, stuff i probably have absolutely no reason to be excited about. but i get excited anyways, well okay, maybe silly (in a happy way) is a better word.
i have come to have a love-hate relationship with the silliness. mostly love, but a little hate, for the simple fact that i'm not sure if i'm allowed to be silly.
well okay, so i'm allowed, if you want to be technical, i'm allowed to do whatever i suppose, BUT i just hate being silly about things unnecessarily, becuase then you feel totally lame when you realize or when you are told that you were silly unnecessarily.
who even knows what i'm talking about at this point??? i'm not sure i even follow myself....ha.

OH! finished the first season of 24 today!! jack is just about the coolest ever. the wives (the ones that i said kind of sucked in Friday's post) well, they totally got the boot in the season finale. one is possibly dead, so i guess i shouldn't be too "excited" about that, but she was starting to drive me crazy, and sherry "the manipulator" palmer got served (divorce papers, well not yet, but close enough). i sure hope someone out there laughed at my stupid joke. but needless to say, i'm more than ready for season two. although, jack cried excessively in the final episode, which is alright i guess becuase according to my sources, his tears cure cancer, but i expected more (or less?) from ctu's resident bad-a.


random questions, are just that: random. and i think "what is the purpose of you asking me that?" that happened to me a few times today, in random places, like wal-mart. WHAT? who are these people??? anyways, questions that solicit the blank stare response. or the blank stare, then goofy smile, what the heck response. thats more what i give.

i'm liking some things. still sort of wading in slowly. i realized that i try to play it joe cool, but i'm not really. i'm learning some things too. like how to bite my tongue, self-control, patience. it is good for me. i've had happy days.

i used the turn of phrase today "i'm on the bench." i think its funny, even though its not really that accurate. i mean sometimes yeah, but eh, not so much right now, or really ever. as much as i would like to think that i'm sitting on the bench just chillin, watching things go by, trying to avoid getting slammed with some sort of sporting good, but i think i get too bored. another thing i'm learning: how to be proactive instead of reactive. granted there is a time and place for both, but i think i've needed to work on the proactivity.

and (this is the last thing, then i'm done for the day) i did some job stuff today. i looked at pr jobs and got this sick feeling in my stomach. i saw myself sitting in an office going through spreadsheets, talking promotions, doing marketing plans, talking target markets, projecting outcomes and i wanted to hurl. i don't think the agency life is for me, but maybe i can find a great fit out there with an agency. i don't know, i'll talk about this some other time. but i felt i needed to share that reaction. :)

i'm liking this whole out-of-the-funk-happy-mood stuff.

yesterday i felt a little like a fish. bass, like the fish.

Listening: Elizabethtown, soundtrack


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