i must have been asleep for days
Yesterday was a good day. I liked it. It gets best all-around, well until I have another good day. Hang on until the end of this play-by-play and you'll heard about my really really scary experience last night.
Friday started off kind of squirrely, with the maintence guys coming to fix my shower drain (SICK) at 8:30 a.m. and not finishing until 1:30 p.m. Yeah. So I borrowed AK's shower yesterday morning (thanks again) and slept intermittenly while I waited. Ran a few errands--got a Yankee Candle housewarmer thingy, one that plugs in to the wall, becuase I felt like my house smelled like sewage. Now it probably smells like sewage and "home sweet home," but at least the smell is improving. I'll just open all the windows. Maybe that will help?
As for the rest of my day, I watched 24 (disc six of season one, yeah it is taking us awhile, we do what we can, but it is okay becuase I am in good company), and I love it. Jack Bauer and David Palmer are super cool, but the wives on the show kind of suck. Well okay, maybe suck is harsh, but they are pretty crazy. Only two episodes left in season one! I can't wait for season two, I've been told it just gets better and better. I can't imgaine what is in store. Although if it keeps taking a month to get through a season I won't be caught up until September.
I talked to some friends on the phone yesterday! TWELVE DAYS.
Ohhhh, heres the sort of exciting part about last night. I went and saw Mission Impossible: 3, which was action from beginning to end. No stopping. I was kind of tired when it was over, but I really liked it. But so it had been storming really bad, lots of wind, lightning, you get the picture. So we are driving back, Brian, Kevin and I, (Brian is driving, I'm in the passenger seat) and we turn from the loop onto EN10th, the two-lane part that is really bumpy and stuff, and see the cars in front of us slowing down and we see flashing lights from a firetruck. There is a guy standing on the side of the road with his cell phone and firemen out everywhere, so we assume it was an accident, but they are waving people through pretty quickly. So we keep going and as we get closer we see that it is a downed powerline, not a wreck. The firetruck was parked just in front of the powerline, and we are waved through. As we are driving past the power line, it sparks, goes "zzzzzzzzzt" and I see all this bright light outside my window incredibly close to Brian's car. Um scary. I'm pretty sure I screamed and was halfway across the console, and Brain keeps driving and we were all like "uhhhhhhh" and kind of laughed it off a little, then it starts smelling like burned something and I see the panicked look on the next fireman's face as he waved us through frantically and realized that was actually really serious. It was scary. Really scary. But we are okay and Brian's car is okay, but it was just scary. Then after they dropped me off, I had visions of Final Destination when they are avoiding that loose power line.
So theres my story. I've been totally lazy so far today, but I don't mind that too much. I got some very restful sleep, it was much needed. I'm ready for more days like Friday, only minus the near-electrocution.
I wish we could play today. Maybe later.
Watching: The Firm, good book, good movie.
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