here we are now, entertain us

What is it with children? I teach dance classes, as everyone probably knows. This week was good, but horrible at the same time. The pre-schoolers were great, the middle school and high schoolers were great, the 7-10 year olds...sucked.
Like this hippo here, she looks kinda sweet, but see that glint in her eye? Yeah thats tween-age bratiness at its finest. That glint is the one that compels her to roll all over the floor, stick her hands in her mouth, complain incessantly about the wedgie her leotard is giving her, ask 40 times if she can go to the bathroom, and gives her the right to feel like she doesn't have to do what the rest of the class is doing becuase she either doesn't have an attention span longer than eight seconds or she simply thinks she can get away with not participating (knowing full well her parents are paying good money for her to be there). Crazy second graders. "When are we going to be done???" Seriously, we're done when we're done, get your hands out of your mouth and stop hanging from the bar. It is not my job to entertain you, it is my job to teach you. If you want to be entertained go home. Dance is fun, yes, but you are learning skills, so stop being such a jerk. I never thought second graders could be jerks, but a few of them are. Ha.
Today is Friday, thank goodness. After a horrendous deadline at work, September has begun, and hopefully with that will come some relief in the form of a smaller word count. That would make me a happy person. I got a call from the dentist this morning (in Abilene) reminding me of my appointment. I should probably reschedule that. I really like my dentist in Abilene (despite the cavity experiences in March) and I need a good haircut anyways--I haven't found a hair place here that I like--so it looks like I'll be in Abilene sooner than I expected. Who knows when that will be though. This is me thinking in type...
Clarification from last time: The "drama" in my life is funny. No harm, no foul.
I have had some serious highlights to my week. Little unexpected things that have made my days a little cheerier. It is kind of weird really. Me and Kylie are leaving the office around 3 to drive to Dallas for Labor Day weekend. We have Monday off (thank goodness). We are meeting the other girls there and it should be a fun weekend of hanging out.
Yesterday Kylie and I ate lunch at Tater's, this little diner down the road from our office. Theyhave greta burger and fries and even better corn nuggets. So I went into the bathroom and guess what I saw? An Elvis cut-out facing the toilet. This very cut out, mind you. Yes, folks, eat at Tater's and Elivs will watch you take care of your business. I couldn't stop laughing.
I'm drinking a lot of hot tea these days, and yesterday I broke down and drank coffee since I was wiggin out about deadline and working on about three and a half hours sleep. I need a serious nap right now. I sure hope it is supposed to be warm this weekend becuase I didn't even check the weather, I just packed. Ha. But I think I packed enough for a small army, so I should be good to go. Well, I gotta do stuff now, since I'm at work and all.
Love and other indoor sports,
Listening: Jeff Buckley, Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk
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