just look at it again
It is 12:36 a.m. Why I am up is lost to me. It is that night owl tendancy, I just can't overcome it. Never will. Hopefully when/if I get married, he will understand.
Last night I stayed up sort of late and unpacked some boxes that were still waiting patiently. And I cleaned while I watched Almost Famous. It was good for me. I'd been in a bit of a funk, so it was good to be really produtive in an area of my life other than my job. I think I am coming off of the "I just moved to a new city/got a new job/new life of sorts" high, and I'm coming down kind of hard. But I am staying incredibly busy it seems, though I would like to work on my social life a little bit. New church on Sunday though, so that should be good, right?
My job...lots of work outside the office. But it is okay, I'm still trying to get my feet under me. I have some work to do over the weekend, but hopefully it will stay within reason. I've got some interesting books this month. One is written by a woman who used to be Mormon and is now (involved in) Christian(ity). Maybe I'll finish that one tonight? Maybe not. I feel like the biggest nerd, reading for work on a Friday night, but you know, you do what you can I guess.
edit: for Price...well and the rest of the general public/the 15 people who read this: Mormons are Christians. I didn't mean for it to sound like they weren't; I meant to get the point across that this woman was a Mormon, then joined mainstream Christianity. So I guess I should have just said that...sorry guys. Though, after reading her book, she didn't really do that so much either, so I don't really know what she classifies herself as now.
Today after work, Kylie and I went to the mall and ratted around, then she, Eric and I went to the Fox and the Hound and bummed around for about an hour. Baseball was on and so was a station with a great series of music videos, i.e. Coldplay's Yellow...it has been a few years hasn't it? Ha. Then home I came. I missed a phone call tonight that I would have like to have not missed.
I will be teaching some dance classes at a studio in Yukon (a suburb). I'm excited, it should be fun. We start on Monday; I'm a little nervous actually, it has been awhile since I've taught, but I'm excited. I'll have kids as young as 2 and as old as 10, I believe. We'll see how that all goes.
I'm yawning now. Time for something. Maybe I will just curl up and fall asleep in my favorite chair. :) I'm a bit worried there is something up here that is making my allergies seriously unhappy. I'll have to work on that.
Watching: Mona Lisa Smile
Mormons are Christians. :)
price, thank you for your helpful hints. i edited for you.
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