pick out what you like (new and improved version)
Just in case you weren't sure, Laguna Beach is back. I don't know about you, but I was a little excited. It is a guilty pleasure type thing, what can I say? I missed yesterday's episode, so I'm trying to catch it on MTV even though I should be in bed.
Today was the basketball game at work. The team I was a fan for lost, soooo we don't get to go in late tomorrow. Gotta be on time. Again. It is okay though, I've got to get some serious work done. Here are some pictures:

The Gorillaz (in red)
The game. Duh.
The fans...they take the annual game pretty serious around here.
The final score: Smurfs 30, Gorillaz 14. Hey, look at that really cute scorekeeper, too bad her team didn't win, she looks like she could have used two hours extra sleep. Don't worry, she's got plenty of work to do anyways.
I don't have anything to say again. Oh well. I read some interesting things today. I would like some new music. I'm going to the driving range with Ky tomorrow. Maybe I'll have something else to say tomorrow. I'm thirsty.
It's kinda intense, huh?
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