i don't think you're ready for this jelly
23. I am officially 23. Doesn't feel much different than 22, and I think it is funny when people ask "Do you feel older?" I say "Nope. People still think I'm in high school." So I don't really say that but I think it. Today was a good day. It was a pleasant birthday. I had several phone calls, a visit and gorgeous weather. Plus I'm about to splurge on some Ben and Jerry's Black and Tan. I really had no intention of staying up this late (being 1:15 a.m.---yeah I know, not that late by my standards), but I've just been ratting around for awhile.
Signs was on TV tonight, and everytime I see that movie I always get a little creeped out. It isn't even THAT scary, just weird. I love the scene when Mel Gibson walks in and Joaquin Phoenix and the two little kids are sitting on the couch, completely still, with aluminum foil helmets/antenae. I laugh out loud every time.
I still have no idea what the build up around birthdays is about. Some people get really excited about them, some people could care less, I think I'm somewhere in the middle, leaning to the excited side. I just think they are kind of fun and for some reason they always make me think of when I was younger as opposed to thinking about the fact that I'm getting older. Odd, I know. I had a lovely day though. :)
I want to tell you more, just not right now. Now it is time for ice cream and a movie or a book. I can't decide which. What do you think? I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided.
i love how the title for this entry is practically the theme song of my life, only i modified mine to be "i dont think youre ready for this kelley" im sure this isnt a shock to you, but i just also found it ironic that youd do that on our birthday. luv ya and you still need to tell me how the interview went!
Jennifer...lets get a blizzard this weekend for a late birthday celebration....and remember when we were young and we rode our bikes to the dq that is now a car lot and remember when we had no responsibilities and no real life decisions to make other than to jump on our bikes and eat icecream!
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