Thursday, August 03, 2006

where i want to be

Uh-oh...two posts in the same week, watch out world, I'm getting back in my groove. So I'm about to go to sleep and I can't wait, but I just felt like I needed to use the creative energy or whatever it is that is making my brain run. I don't understand the express lane at Target, it is NOT quick. It poured here today, but it was kind of nice. I wish it was still raining, I like it when it rains.

Do you ever just feel kind of stupid and funny about something? I do. About a few things really. Like you're just playing a giant game or something. Don't get me wrong, I believe I have a pretty light-hearted attitude about some occrances right about now, which is great for me. I tend to dwell and overanalyze, but I've gotten to the point where I just accept. You truly never know what is going to happen. I have realized that I absolutely despise when someone tells you one thing because they think it is what you want to hear, but their actions refute their words. Consistency is key. Eh. Whatever. I don't know. I just know I'm pretty happy with where I'm at for right now. Granted there are a few things I might tweak, but overall, I'm good. I've realized a ton of things about myself and about people I've surrounded myself with. It has been enlightening. To say the very least (this post sounds a little like those from the first part of the year...but believe me--completely different).

Though I do have some things inside my head that I would like to get out, but sometimes that just doesn't happen on my own personal time now does it? Patience is a virtue, one I occasionally lack in. I thought I was getting closer to being done with all my adjusting, but new adjustments came this week, so I'm trying to get my thoughts together.

Anyways, that is all. I don't care to get particularly specific right now, seeing as how I'm exhausted and I just don't want to get into it. :) I love my bed and I love laying in it. So that is what I will do.

Tomorrow is Friday. I'm happy for the weekend, though I thought of 24 today and Jack Bauer and I miss watching it. I hadn't thought of it in awhile. I work a lot. I moved and said: Hello real world, goodbye 24 marathons. I miss those, that was time well spent.


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