Sunday, January 15, 2006

i think i'll go for a walk outside now

I'm reading a new book and I am loving it. Not everyone will love it, but I do, so I'm going to tell you about it. It is Sex, Drugs and Coco Puffs by Chuck Klosterman. This book is laugh out loud funny. Seriously, I sit on my couch or on my bed and read it and laugh out loud, which I feel a bit silly doing, but at least I'm not on an airplane or in a waiting room or something.

So the premise is just one person's musing about the life he lives. A fairly ingenius commentary on popular culture. Granted there are some essays that are slower than others, and some I don't connect with nearly as well, and ideas that I don't agree with, but the fact that he can write so verbosely, literally about nothing, (i.e. cereal advertising and its effects on "coolness") is something to respect and laugh about at the same time. I think that is what I appreciate the most about the material. Not the fact that it will change the world or anything, but the fact that even nothing is something and he is making that point. Breakfast cereal, Billy Joel, his hatred for Coldplay, internet porn, Pam Anderson v. Marilyn Monroe,---he pretty much covers it all. We can all totally relate to certain nuances in our culture that seem like nothing, but when we really sit back and think about them tend to define the world we live in.

Totally weird, and I love it. Pick up this book if you even think you might enjoy reading it. You probably will enjoy at least some of it. The Royal Tenenbaums last night was most excellent. I enjoyed it.

Today I feel happy. I have a "we're all in this together" attitude today.

Something else that just came to me. So I'm pretty sure I come across (or have come across) as completely distraught about life in some of my posts. I'm not. I promise. I just have this weird ability to go on and on about one instance in my day, or one thought in my head, or one situation and make it seem like it is consuming my life. It is not. I promise. But if I gave you a play-by-play of my day (i.e. woke up, brushed teeth, took shower, thought about drinking orange juice but decided against it, checked mail, went to work, filed fingernails, etc, etc), you would be bored out of your mind, and maybe, just maybe I am providing some sort of entertainment while allowing my own little mind to process this life and what it is all about. Blog posts are not the enterity (is that a word??) of my (nor can I believe they are the enterity of anyone elses') thought process, feelings, emotions, whatever. Just a fraction. I just know that some people reading might be like "whoa, she needs a vacation from life" when really, as nice as that might be, its not time for a vacation yet. Maybe I have a flair for the mellodrama and no one told me, but I'm pretty sure that is my little sister's area of expertise, not mine. It is meant to be more just me talking to you or whoever else is willing to listen. No strings attached, no agendas, just talking. Just some things I like to chew on and so maybe you will too, but not for too long becuase if it is anything like the Pina Coloda gum that we love, it will lose its flavor by the time you finish reading this. Okay that is all the explaining/apologizing I am going to do for my writing. You don't mind too much or you wouldn't keep reading I suppose. Anyways....

Have a happy day. It is a bit cloudy here today, but happy cloudy. Hug someone (A hug is probably one of the greatest expressions of emotion on the planet. We take them for granted. We should stop that.) Fly a kite. Get a sno cone. Pet a dog. Run a mile. Take a candid picture.

This was kind of a random out there blog. But surely we can all appreciate stream of conciousness. Maybe I write the way I do becuase I live by myself. Sort of like having a conversation, minus the second party looking at you.


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