Thursday, February 23, 2006

hours run into days

So I thought I maybe needed a plain blog for today. Today ended up being a pretty nice day overall. I spoke with a dear friend tonight on the phone and it was a bit of a purge for me. It was good. Then I looked for jobs. Found some interesting stuff, I may be saying farewell to Abilene sooner than I had thought. Cross your fingers.

I put a lot of energy into things I have no reason to put energy into. I need to just move on, move in, move over. Whatever. I really don't think about some issues as much as you might think. But anyways, despite my contemplations, and traditional overanalyzation for the day, I took the day with a grain of salt and ate some mac and cheese. I'm watching Jay Leno and actually laughing out loud. I rarely do that. But it is really funny, Hannah (I don't know her last name), the women's snowboarding gold medalist, age 19, she was just totally chill and funny during her interview.

I don't have anything to say about the rest of the day since the last time I wrote. Oh yeah I thought the kissing thought I talked about earlier and giggled to myself. I hope someone else out there did too. It was totally funny and silly. Nothing big, nothing small, just funny and silly. You know, you know. Well I think I might have some stuff to say, but no reason to say it right now. I have no words for articulation.

Big gulps, Eh?


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