Thursday, March 02, 2006

but you misread my meaning when i met you

Its Thursday. I wish I could make up a Thursday song to entertain you, but as of right now I've got nothing.

Let me reflect on Wednesday for a few lines. It was hot, and glorious. So it was a bit hot for March 1, but still, something about it just gave me a little boost, a little more life. (The guy in the office next to me is listening to some serious orchestra music, oh just kidding, its a choir with orchestra accompaniement, oh plus his whistling...yeah) So yesterday. The past few Wednesdays I have absolutely despised, for several reasons: the cold, moody people, rain, the mess in my house (which wasn't exclusive to Wednesdays, but was obliterated Tuesday night anyways), Mize leaving, sad silence, losing friends, missing people. So that brings us to yesterday (please insert the Beatles here).

I started off the morning by going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned...and guess what. TWO cavities. Not just one, but TWO. SICK. I am not going to lie I almost teared up, who the heck knows why. Thats what I get for not flossing all the way in the back of my mouth where I can't reach anyways and drinking too much coke. Karma is a bitch. A painful, dental drill, anesthetic, needles in my mouth bitch. Ha. It probably won't be that bad, but people are always mellodramatic about the dentist so I thought I should do what I could. When the dental hygenist was cleaning my teeth, she was so slow and my mouth was killing me, and she kept scraping my gums, it kind of hurt. Geez. And I don't really care for the noise the tooth scraper makes inside your mouth, its like fingernails on a chalkboard only you can feel the reverberations inside your head. Yeck. I got cinnamon flouride polish. Nice. So I scheduled myself for the first of two fillings, one of which the dentist (who looks a little like and talks exactly like Matthew McCaunghey--I know I didn't spell that right but I'm too lazy to google it right now) said he could probably do without numbing me. I said its okay, I'll make two appointments, really.

So I left the dentist a bit distraught, but rebounded well all things considered. I came to work (where I am now) and got some things done. I actually enjoyed being at work yesterday, I had some great company and some funny things happened so I got a lot of giggling in (only it was the silent kind because of circumstances). So anyways, I left work still pretty happy and ran a few errands and then ran a few miles. So I haven't run in 2.5 weeks and I could definately tell, but it felt good anyways. The air cleared out my head I think, and it was great to sweat. As gross as that might be. I needed to sweat off the pizza I had eaten the night before. Then Lost was on and it was intense, and I packed and went to bed. The only yuck part of my day was toward the end of last night I got a really bad headache and just wanted to go to bed, but had to finish packing so I did. When I finally went to bed I layed there for about 25 minutes and woke up to the dull aching in my neck and shoulders and head. So I rearranged, took some more medicine and tried to go back to sleep. Today it is better, but I'm a little sore in my neck still. Weird.

For the rest of today, I don't have much. Work for about 45 minutes more, then a few errands, then driving to College Station to visit Becca. I'm excited to be going, we'll have a fun couple of days. Saturday I will be driving to Arlington to go to a wedding, then driving back to Abilene after the wedding. I'll probably get back here around 9 so that will give me time to put stuff up and still just take it easy before the week begins again. So if you get a chance, think about me this weekend during all my driving, wish me safe travels and all of that.

Its March and I'm in denial.

I haven't been overlyanalytical of my feelings lately. I guess that is a good thing. It is a bit exhausting on occasion. I mean don't get me wrong, I haven't turned into a block of sandpaper or anything. I have thought a lot of things and felt a lot of things, things I really wish that I could say out loud more than think about them. But the opportunity has not arisen, nor may it ever. I'm not sure where that leaves me. Maybe I'll get brave one day and just blurt everything out to the different people. It would be interesting to say the very least. Ha. Yeah, so I don't know. My mindset has been changing some and I have tried to consider some things and reconsider others. I have made some conclusions, but not set them in stone. Hm. I'll have to think about the things some more before I say anything else.

On that note, I think I will leave you. My foot is dead asleep and so is half my leg. Hwy 6, here I come.


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