Thursday, April 20, 2006

hey there lonely girl

Could I please be a little more all over the place? And maybe I could avoid questions a little more too...I'm not sure I'm doing that enough as it is. Whatever. I'm being vague again, for absolutely no reason, besides the fact that I can't seem to get my thoughts in order. I don't mean to be grumpy, really I don't. I'm trying to be good at this really, I am.

Ew, vomit. That is kind of what I have felt like doing ALLLLL day today. Make it stop.

I think I am just needing some reassurance. Or something. Just needing some reassurance that I'm doing okay. I also need a blueberry muffin. Lucky for me I made some last night.

Sometimes we just need a little extra love I think.

I don't know what to say besides the obvious. Yes, the obvious. But apparently I'm the only person who knows what "the obvious" is. Man oh man.

Also, it has been really wet outside becuase of the rain (duh) and I was leaving a parking lot tonight and my tires spun a little I think and I hope no one thought I was trying to be uber cool and speed out of the parking lot. I'm pretty sure that would make me anything BUT uber cool. EW. yikes.

Oh and I'm pretty sure I want to sign up for the Invisible Children Global Night Commute. I think it sounds awesome. I'll let you know when I do so you can look up info about it too.

Cohen: "This is about the girl."

Reading: Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes


Blogger jennifer said...

bulemafer? that sounds like a vomit noise. some animal that is the cousin of the donkey...yeah, way too far.

9:44 AM  

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