i get through thinking and the thoughts have left my head
Today was productive/nonproductive. Probably more nonproductive, but at least at the end of it I didn't feel that way right? So I slept late, apparently I can't get enough sleep. But I think some of that has to do with the fact that I am hopelessly nocturnal. I'm not wired to go to bed earlier than 1 or 2 a.m. Unless I'm sick or something. Weird huh? It has been that way for as long as I can remember, so at least it is nothing new.
One of the best seasons of the year began today. And I don't mean spring. I mean it was Opening Day.
I am happy. Or at least happier than I have felt in awhile. Despite my sad eyes. I looked at my eyes in the rearview mirror today, but I wasn't sure what I saw. You can tell me next time you see me what you think. I laid out by the pool yesterday, and I got some good sun, and my nose freckles are the returning. Ba. I really don't mind them too much. Anyways. Ummmm, I WILL be productive the rest of this week. I WILL!
GRE Prep Course, was incredibly boring. The teacher talks super fast but tries to witty comments that just really aren't that funny, and make him sound a little pretentious. It is so odd. We had to do practice math problems, and some of the computers are really squirrely, (mine was) so I had to share with the guy next to me and despite the fact the teacher had explained everything and it made sense then, applying it to the practice problems was ridiculous. And we overheard people asking the teacher questions and he answered them like he was the MicroMachines guy. Ugh.
Tomorrow morning is filling number 2. I'm not so much dreading it like I was the last one. I can't say I'm dancing in anticipation, but the worst is over at the beginning.
I hope we get some time this week. Good.
Do you ever feel like the only things that might come out of your mouth if you speak are "uh" "er" "ugh" "i, uh" "ummm" "ahh," and other forms of bumbling for words? I do. Like you know what you need/want to say but aren't sure how to put it into words so that it makes sense outside of your head? I guess that is what is totally awesome about those people that you can talk with who don't mind if you bumble around a bit, letting you think and talk at the same time. You, thanks for that.
Listening: Dazed and Confused--The movie soundtrack everyone will be toking about.
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