Friday, May 05, 2006

you threw a chair right upside my head

the past two days:
gorgeous days, beautiful nights
sun, thunder, lightning, rain!
last week it rained when the sun was out, i love love love that. so much. i thought of costa rica. i like watching the rain fall when the sun is out. it melts my heart, and regardless of anything else going on gives me this crazy happy feeling. love it man, love it. (i'm such a cheeseball)

i played disc golf on wednesday. i was terrible, i mean bad. but it was still fun. i don't quite have the approach down, mine consists of strolling to the edge of the tee box and throwing the disc. described as a bit nonchalant and prissy. but i'm going to work on it so i can kick some serious tail. seriously, i'm going to tear it up. i'm ready for another try.

today was totally random and weeeeeeird. . yeesh. it was funny though. i feel a little mean for saying that it was "weeeeeeeird" but it was. gone most of the afternoon, but theres a totally cool harley-davidson exhibit at the grace. mize: i think it will still be here when you get here, so we will go, even if we have to take a stealth mission in the night. you will see this awesome collection. there is also a "history of baseball in abilene" exhibit that fun too.
"my firm has tickets to the Met."
"i love baseball!!"

thats all. maalox has become a major food group me, joining the ranks of soy milk and soup. man i'm in LOVE with the beige diet.

Listening: Gold, Ryan Adams


Blogger jennifer said...

e: yes lets go.
mb: i'm sorry! the maalox is simply to counteract the stomach acid and keep me from feeling like i'm gagging all the'd do it too, trust me. if it makes you feel better i also eat potatos, bananas, bread and yogurt. (beeeeige=bland=my favorite foods right now)

10:52 AM  

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