Saturday, July 08, 2006

the amount of time spent blogging is inversely proportional to the amount of time spent packing

If I have to pack another box (which I do) I will scream. So hold your ears. Pack, pack, pack. But today is go day. Well at least loading all my stuff into a truck go day. Tomorrow is the real thing. I go to OKC and I start working on Monday. My things will follow Monday morning since I can't move into my apt. until Tuesday. The moving process is stretched out over multiple days, which is less than ideal, but you take what you can get I guess.

Ros and I wreaked havoc on my apt. last night. It was HUGE help, thanks Ros. I had just gotten to the point that I knew what needed to still be done but I was so blah I couldn't seem to get it done. So she gave me a little push, and we knocked a ton of it out. Well most of what was left really. I will spend the time today (until my parents get here) throwing the small stuff left into boxes and aimlessly labeling them. ha. Well and the Salvation Army is coming to pick up some of my furniture (thanks to my grandmother and aunt I will have basically all new furniture!!!). Those are my plans for the day.

I have a mosquito bite on my hand and it itches like crazy. Okay, so I want to know HOW I manage to situation myself in the most awkward situations ever, on a regular basis. Is there no relief from the madness? Probably not. It is just wishful thinking. Well and then I would like to know how I manage to be a magnet for people who generate awkward moments. Granted I'm guilty too, but for a couple of days it has just seemed to hit me from all sides. But at least it is a source of entertainment (?).

Well, the time has come for me to do stuff. I'm not stressed yet. But I imagine I will be later. But maybe not, everything is pretty much packed up, I just can't walk anywhere in my apt. without tripping over boxes. My walkways are limited to about a foot and a half wide, so moving around has become increasngly difficult. I feel like a mouse in a maze, but I don't have any cheese. I like cheese though.

Watching: Old School


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