Tuesday, July 04, 2006

it feels like

This morning when I woke up, I was pretty sure it was Sunday. Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part, with my mountains of boxes and belongings strewn everywhere. Either I'm wishing it was Sunday (two days ago) so I would have more days to pack, or Sunday (five days from now) so the packing would be finished. I'm at that point where there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just piles of stuff. Has to get worse before it gets better.

It has been quiet around here though. I was sort of hoping people would come by and relieve me of my belongings, but so far no takers. Ha. You know, maybe that guy with the gun? I have had a couple of realizations out of freaking nowhere, but that is a good thing right? But I haven't quite figured out how to verbalize them, that will come later. Eh.

I'm such a cheeseball, I've driven around Abilene a little the past few days when I've run errands or whatever and I've just tried to take it all in. It is time for me to leave, but I will miss some things about it. I've gone into that mode where I'm just curious about where I'm headed in life, who will be with me while I'm headed there. Not worried, just curious. I'm ready though. Slightly terrified, but ready. "Everything will be okay."

With that, I will tackle the remainder of my closet. It is like a black hole. Maybe if I travel far enough into it at a fast enough speed I will discover a white hole and a parallel universe (I learned that at the planetarium). Everybody, dance!


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