Tuesday, November 29, 2005

corpse bride, city sidewalks, and starbucks

So tonight I ventured to the Westwood Twin Theatre to see The Corpse Bride. I had seen it before, but have some friends who, until tonight had not, and seeing as how Tuesdays are actual dollar days at the dollar theatre, I decided to go. It was pretty fun. The sound was terrible, there was a crying baby and it was about as cold in there as it is outside, but what can you expect? It was a dollar.

I went through a really awkward situation tonight. Ashley and I went and met some other people there. The movie started at 7 and was over by 8:20. We left right after, asking our other companions if they wanted to try City Sidewalks, which was met with probably one of the most awkward situations of my life. It was a little disconcerting, kind of makes you feel like you did something wrong. The movie companions are great people by the way, don't get me wrong. But it was disappointing or something becuase they are pretty fun people who I throughly enjoy hanging out with. It was just a really odd situation and I don't think I've ever really been in one like that before. Not really a big deal at all, just one of those that makes you stop and think "Wait, what just happened here?" And it was funny becuase it was like we all knew it was really awkward but weren't really sure how to react to it or something. Oh well, awkward happens, and I of all people should know.

Needless to say Ashley and I tried City Sidewalks alone, only to find that it was over. The Elfin street cleaning machines tipped us off. So we tried Satrbucks instead. I got a Caramel Apple Cider since they are out of Peppermint. How can you be out of peppermint in December??? What is this world coming to?

I have resolved that I need to reevaluate myself. Fully. My sarcasm can get the best of me on occasion. I am going to make a concious effort to work on that.

It is Tuesday. Well for a few more hours anyways. Its been a good Tuesday. I think way too much about everything. The post-movie incident is still bothering me, I really feel as if I did something wrong. Only time will tell I suppose. There was a bowling test this morning, and I was relieved that it wasn't too hard. So I got out of bowling early and was able to go to the grocery store, which is extremely fortunate seeing as how I had just about nothing in my refrigerator. Yikes.

I don't really feel like I have anything profound to say today. It was a good day, so I haven't had too much time to be terribly self-reflective or overanalytical, as is the usual routine with me. Hopefully my next installment will fully entertain you. That is all.

Friday, November 25, 2005

the wrath of thanksgiving

This is my first attempt at a real blog so just bear with me. I am open to questions, comments or suggestions, kind of like your favorite restaraunt. I have been persuaded to become a "blogger" by some dear friends. Hopefully I can keep this up and maintain some form of communication, most likely with way too many words, as usual when I write. Maybe I will use this opportunity to cut down on my dead construction and passive verbs, a move I'm sure Drs. Marler and Bacon can appreciate.

Today marks two weeks until college graduation. Seriously. Who knew that was coming? Well, okay I did, but still it came out of no where. Things are messy and clean all at the same time. School is coming to a remarkably quick end, and eveything else in life seems to have just gone bananas. In the words of the modern prophet Charlie Brown "I feel like I am losing control over everything." You and me both, Chuck. Only he was just panicking in his eerily serene way over a botched Thanksgiving dinner. (We can thank Snoopy and Woodstock for the buttered toast, jelly beans, popcorn and pretzel sticks.) So I will graduate and honestly the most pressing issue for me right now is what I will wear under my gown, and if it is tacky if I decide not to wear hose in December. If I wear hose I will wear fishnets or some other pattern to spice things up. I think it would be apprecited by the audience. We'll see.

Thanksgiving was Thanksgiving. Highlights include: choking down small portions of sweet potatoes, mostly scamming the marshmallows off the top, and then sticking my finger in a pumpkin pie to try it and remind myself, "You still do not like pumpkin pie."

We went to Hulen Mall today on our way home, and it really wasn't too unbearable. The crowds weren't psycho and I got an Orange Julius (who knew those were still around??) so I was completely satisfied. Now I am at home, I should be unpacking, but I'm sitting around wasting time. But I fully intend to make a to do list for tomorrow so I can maximize my productivity. I don't think I have anything particularly earth-shattering or clever to share today, although I feel that I reached a point where I don't think my parents get me right now. I hope that is normal. They found out how serious I was about applying to NYU's Journalism grad school and my mom definately weirded out. I think they will get used to the idea, at least I'm staying on the same continent.

I hope that all are having a wonderful holiday. The drudgery begins again Monday, and I believe we should all take advantage of the simplicity of solitude. Being bored is okay every once in a while, if you can fully appreciate it and realize a peace of mind. Boredom, or at least lack of activity drives some crazy, but it just drives others. Thats all I've got. Happy Day After Thanksgiving to all, and to all a goodnight.