Tuesday, March 24, 2009

run it

So remember that whole recreational writing thing? Due to some unforeseen circumstances I took a break again, but I'm back and better than ever. A quick run down, then on to the new. 
-it is now March which means we've been through lots of holidays including my favorite-St. Patrick's Day
-I moved with the help of Kylie and Eric and Eric's student, Nathan. Turns out that if you get to the UHaul place early enough they will let you pick your truck. We chose the Venus Flytrap truck. She treated us well. 
-The market has gone to crap and since I work in finance that means the 8-5 hours can be pretty heinous. 
-Decorating of the new place is happening. More decorating happened in 3 weeks than 3 years at my old place. Starting fresh is nice. 
-I've read "I was Told There'd Be Cake" and laughed out loud. 
-I bought Twilight and have watched it 4 times. 

Those are the high points. Moving on. 

Kylie decided she wanted to run. Long distances. She asked me if I would be interested, and I said yes. She is much more dedicated that I am as it took me about two months to really convince myself that yes, I need to do this, not just so that Kylie will have a running buddy, though that is a noble cause. I need to do this for me. For more reasons than I know. Brief sentimental moment: the past year has been trying. It is time for serious change. Watch out, world. Big things ahead. 

We have discussed the idea of making this a traveling hobby. First we will we travel to the Redbud Classic in Nichols Hill, OKC, for the 5K. Not a long drive really. (Note: Kylie did complete the Deer Creek Classic...solo! She is awesome, and told me to get my butt in gear.) Some other races we would like to attend, in no particular order: OKC Memorial Marathon (OKC), The Midnight Streak (OKC), Turkey Trot (Dallas), Midnight Sun Fun Run (Alaska), Rock n Roll Marathon (Las Vegas), Capital 10K (Austin). Yes, we know we may not make those all in one year, but it would be pretty awesome if we made it to all the local and at least one out of town. Watch for us in a city near you.

That said, my training started today. With the help of "The Non-Runners Marathon Guide for Women" by Dawn Dais I'm getting on track (no pun intended). She recommends journaling, so I figured I might as well recreational write about it. Here I will keep running songs, thoughts, meals (hopefully I only talk about them going down, not coming back up), exciting runs, photos, horror stories, and more. It may be boring. No one may read it, but at least I will be able to look back and appreciate the work three months from now. If you do read this, feel free to comment, lend your gazelle-like advice, donate your frequent flyer miles, or laugh along with me as I try this out. 

Day one. I went for two miles. I say "went" because there is no way in hell I was going to make it running the entire time. My maltipoo did better than I did. She only stopped to go number twosies (and yes, I am a responsible pet owner).  I did the run/walk and my calves hate me. But I looked cute in my new shoes. They did me well--Asics, I don't remember the style off the top of my head. More on equipment later. I attempted to stretch post run, and my muscles still hated me. I'm afraid this is a preview of the joy to come, but that's cool. I'm into it right now, I'm motivated. I like my dri-fit Nike socks so far. As I'm sitting on the floor (my desk is not spray painted yet) I see that they are labeled L and R. I didn't know it mattered...maybe the kind people at Nike test drove these socks on a group of novice runners and found that they were so blinded by a) disillusionment that they would be awesome runners the first go round, b) pain, c) throwing up on their feet, that all runners needed their socks labeled. Fabric is not ambidextrous . 

Today's music: Savage, Fall Out Boy (always favorite exercise tunes), Pussycat Dolls, Janet Jackson, Flo-Rida. I needed serious beats. 

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