what i can and cannot do
I feel better today. I made myself go to sleep earlier, even though I probably should have done some more work, but I feel better so hopefully I'm being more productive today. Note I say that while I'm writing a blog. Eh. Oh well.
So today has been funny so far. That is good, I like funny. I've read some things that I have just balked at. Seriously done a double take and then gagged a little. I know sometimes I am overly critical, and I should be much less condescending, but some people's actions/words/sentences are a little ridiculous. But that is just one person's opinion. I should be nice, it is much more polite.
I have taken a liking to analyzing/laughing at situations again. "Here we go." I know that is probably what you are thinking, but I probably won't share here. Just doesn't always seem appropriate. I know I'm vague sometimes, but some days it just isn't worth the hassle. I'm generally laughing at the ridiculous nature of what I am observing, but before you think I'm just laughing at other people, please know I am most often laughing at situations I find myself in/a part of/involved with somehow. Just silly really. I'm more likely to be specific with you in a one on one situation.
Another thing I find silly. When I talk to some people and they ask how living here is it is automatically "How do you like it?" "How is the job?" "Have you made new friends?" "Are you dating anyone?" Basically rapid fire. And seriously. Give me a break, if you know anything about my "more than friends life" in the past year you know that is a slimey can of worms. Okay, okay, not the males involved themselves--not sleazy for the most part, and those who are don't read this so it doesn't matter--but the situations just managed to end up totally whacked out for no good reason. Everything that has happened in my life in those regards probably could have gone much much smoother, but it didn't, and I learned from it, and everyone emerged on the other side fairly unscathed. And now those things are funny, sometimes secrets to laugh about when there are only two or three of you, but funny, regardless.
On a more serious note, a lot has changed in the past year. In the past two months for that matter. For the better really. I've come out of that weird cloud I was under and I feel like myself again. Whatever that feels like. The other day I thought about that and realized that those new friends I had in Abilene were great. (I single out those friends, becuase my other friends already knew my antics...the Abilene friends were those I found when I was there from last August to this July) There is really no explanation for that in my mind--a lot of weird circumstances were happening--this is totally cheesy sounding I'm sure, but thinking about all of that makes me know that God puts people in your life for a reason. I see people in my life right now who I thought were pretty much one act players, but they are still around and I think that is good, interesting, weird, funny, cute, silly, etc. Sorry to get all Oprah there. I'm over it now.
Kylie said to me "You do realize you have had more drama recently with guys who you aren't even dating than with anyone you have actually ever dated?" I said yes. Then I gagged. :) Please know this is all in jest, well mostly.
In answer to the four FAQs: OKC is good, I'm still learning fun things about it. Work is fine. I work a ton, it keeps me busy and I teaching six hours of dance classes a week as well. Yes, I have made a few new friends, but give me some more time I haven't even been here two months yet. No, I am not dating anyone, nor have I been on any dates. I have had one, maybe two people sort of register as blips on that radar since I made the great trek north, but no. I am obviously not ready for that, otherwise something might happening--my full take on things warrants a separate blog.
Back to being judgemental, we were joking about guys and "ugly" girls earlier. Yes, ugly is all about perception, I realize that. Please keep in mind that we do not think we are super awesome, nor were we comparing ourselves to any one person; we were not trying to be hateful. If you know either of us, you know what I'm saying here. It is less a theory about "ugly" girls and more of a silly theory about guys--you know, the whole "the opposite sex is a mystery, let's find ridiculous ways to explain it" type thing. You get the point. Here is a theory as presented by Kylie. "I have a theory about guys and ugly girls. If you rearrange the letters in ugly and take out the l, that spells guy. Maybe that makes guys think they have more in common with those girls, that they'd be easier to get along with."
P.S. My ears are actually sore from those dang headphones.
Listening: The Streets, Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living